Monday, August 30, 2010

Summer Yard Project: Water Fountain!

Walker Art Center Sculpture Garden

Dress Up, anyone??

Claire loves to make and EAT gazpacho...

Where has the summer gone!!?? We've had so much fun this summer- camping, traveling to Iowa (forgot the camera last trip, so no pics) and Michigan. Hanging out in the backyard, pool and Splash Pad. It's flown by. Here's a quick look at what we did this summer...

Family Photo :)
Baines Family Reunion on Lake Michigan
Ryan and Missy with baby coming soon!
Headed to the Beach

Claire with Papa

Claire's great buddies, Dylan and Tyler
Grand Rapids, MI: Meijer Gardens

Dale Chihuly Exhibit
Claire and Great Great Aunt Ethel

Hitting the beach in Muskegon with Dad, Uncle Ryan and Aunt Missy
Wisconsin Road Trip: New Glarus

Wisconsin Road Trip: Mount Horeb

Best Year ever for our Garden!!

First Day of Preschool

Claire's New Room and Big Girl Bed

Minnehaha Falls

Where has the summer gone!!?? Aaron seems to have moved on from blogging to Facebook, so the updates fall in my lap, and as you can see, it's not something I'm very on top of! We've had a great summer of hanging out, travel and fun. Here are some highlights:
